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From 21 to 23 May 2021 in Nizhnekamsk with the support of the Head of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan and the mayor of the city of Nizhnekamsk Aydar Raisovich Metshin the International Festival of Ekaterina Mechetina "Attraction of Music" will be held for the first time. The project became a finalist of the federal educational program "Cultural Initiative / Leadership in Creative Industries-2020", entered the top 60 Russian projects and was supported by a grant from the TATNEFT Charitable Foundation. The event is timed to the 55th anniversary of the city of Nizhnekamsk and will be held under the brand "Cultural Weekend in Nizhnekamsk". The artistic director of the festival is the famous Russian pianist Yekaterina Mechetina, Honored Artist of Russia, Honored Worker of Musical Art of the Russian Federation, member of the Council for Culture under the President of the Russian Federation, soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic Society, teacher of the Moscow Conservatory, will give a recital and as a soloist with a string ensemble, master classes and will take part in the business part of the program.
The concert program of the festival with Russian ensembles - the State Symphony Orchestra of the Udmurt Republic (chief conductor - Azat Maksutov) and the string ensemble "Nobilis" (artistic director - People's Artist of Tatarstan Sergei Emelyanov) - will feature soloists: cellist Svetlana Tovstukha (Spain) and the legendary cello performer art Mark Drobinsky (France - Israel), who plays the Italian cello by master Carlo Antonio Testore, made in 1748. The Music Attraction Festival will also become a platform for discussing the prospects for the development of creative industries in Russia, where leaders of the cultural industry, federal experts and leadership of the territory.
The following speakers are taking part in the business program of the festival: Tatiana Abankina - Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the Center for Creative Economics, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow) and Alexei Matveev - Program Director of the St. Petersburg Center for Social and Cultural Initiatives "Cultural Capital", an expert of regional and federal grant competitions, forums and educational programs in the field of culture and social design.
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Nizhnekamsk College of Music named after S. Saidashev
House of Folk Art
Youth Center for Initiatives "Carpet"
Ekaterina Mechetina was born into a family of musicians, she began to study music at the age of four. She studied at the Central Music School of the Moscow Conservatory (class of T. L. Koloss) and the Moscow Conservatory (class of Associate Professor Vladimir Ovchinnikov). In 2004 she graduated from the graduate school of the Moscow Conservatory in the class of Professor Sergey Dorensky. During her studies, she was a scholar of the Vladimir Spivakov Foundation and the Mstislav Rostropovich Foundation, at the invitation of the latter, in 2004, she underwent an internship in Paris. Since 2007 she has been a soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic.
Ekaterina Mechetina actively collaborates with contemporary composers - Rodion Shchedrin (who entrusted her with the world premiere of the Sixth Piano Concerto), Alexei Rybnikov, Vladislav Kazenin, Tolibkhon Shakhidi and many others. Since 2009 he has been teaching at the Moscow Conservatory, since 2016 - at the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory. Every year he gives master classes at the UNESCO Summer Creative School "New Names" in Suzdal, is a member of the jury of Russian and international competitions. Recordings by Ekaterina Mechetina were released by Fuga Libera (solo disc with works by Rachmaninoff, 2005), Empire of Music (disc from works by Shchedrin and T. Shakhidi, 2008) and Melodiya (solo disc with works by Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky and Rachmaninoff, 2013 ).
The pianist was awarded the prestigious youth prize "Triumph" (2003) and the Order of Catherine the Great III degree "For services and great personal contribution to the development of national culture and art" of the National Committee of Public Awards (2007). Mechetina is the winner of the Prize of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Russian Muses for the World Foundation “For contribution to the formation of an objective image of Russia in the international arena” and the Prize of the President of Russia for young cultural workers for 2010 “For the contribution to the development of the traditions of Russian musical art and high level of performing skills ". In 2011, she became a member of the Council for Culture and Arts under the President of Russia. Ekaterina Mechetina was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of Musical Art", she is a laureate of the independent prize "Parabola" of the Andrey Voznesensky Foundation.
The pianist gave her first solo concert at the age of 10, two years later she toured the cities of Japan, where she played 15 solo concerts in a month, presenting two different programs. Since then, she has performed in more than 30 countries around the world. Today the artist gives about 60 concerts a year.
Mechetina is a laureate of seven international piano competitions, including the Busoni Competition in Bolzano (Italy) and the Cincinnati World Piano Competition (USA). Mechetina's performances take place on world famous stages, including the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, the Bolshoi, Maly and Rachmaninov halls of the Moscow Conservatory, the Bolshoi and Chamber halls of the Moscow International House of Music, the Bolshoi Theater, Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), Yamaha Hall and Casals Hall (Tokyo ), Théâtre des Champs-Élysées and Hall Gaveau (Paris), Great Hall of the Milan Conservatory and the Auditorium (Milan), Hall of Cecilia Meireles (Rio de Janeiro), Alice Tully Hall (New York) and others. The pianist also actively gives concerts in Russian cities.
Ekaterina Mechetina's extensive repertoire includes more than fifty concerts for piano and orchestra and many solo programs.
Among the conductors with whom she collaborated - Mstislav Rostropovich, Vladimir Spivakov, Vladimir Fedoseev, Saulius Sondetskis, Yuri Simonov, Pavel Kogan, Vladimir Ponkin, Dmitry Liss, Vladimir Altshuler, Maxim Vengerov, Konstantin Orbelyan, Dmitry Sitkovetsky, Alexander Sladkovsky, Gintaras Rinkevicius, 
Alexander Skulsky, Fedor Glushchenko, Lawrence Foster, Christian Badea, Barry Douglas, Fabio Mastrangelo, Maria Eklund. Her partners in the chamber ensemble are Rodion Shchedrin, Vladimir Spivakov, Dmitry Sitkovetsky, Alexey Utkin, Alexander Knyazev, Alexander Gindin, Boris Andrianov, Daniil Kogan, Nikita Borisoglebsky, Sergey Antonov, Count Murzha and other famous Russian and foreign performers.
The artist took part in major international festivals, including "December Evenings of Svyatoslav Richter", "Moscow Autumn", the Crescendo festival, the music festival of Rodion Shchedrin, "Russian Winter" and Benois de la danse in Moscow, "Stars on Baikal" in Irkutsk, festival in Dubrovnik (Croatia), festival Consonances and festival in Lille (France), Europalia in Belgium.
In 2007, Ekaterina Mechetina, together with Nikita Borisoglebsky and Sergey Antonov, created a trio that actively performs and has an extensive repertoire. For the 10th anniversary of the trio, the composer Kuzma Bodrov composed and dedicated the Triple Concerto with a symphony orchestra to the members of the ensemble. Since 2013 - President of the International Youth Festival of Arts "Green Noise" (Surgut), member of the jury of Russian and international competitions, including the International Television Competition for Young Musicians "The Nutcracker" and the International Delphic Games, member of the jury of competitions in Astana (Kazakhstan) , Seoul (Korea). She was awarded the honorary badge of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) "For the strengthening of peace and friendship" (2015). In 2016 she was awarded the title of "Honored Worker of Musical Art". In November 2017, among the main popularizers of Russian culture in Europe, Ekaterina became the Laureate of the first international cultural festival "Russian Rome" in the nomination "For the promotion of culture in the world in the field of music." In 2018, Ekaterina Mechetina became V.V. Putin's confidant in the Presidential elections. In August 2018, Ekaterina was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia".
TATIANA ABANKINA (Moscow, Russia),
festival business program expert
Professor, Ph.D. in Economics,
Director of the Center for Creative Economy, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Federal expert of the priority national project "Education", expert of the Council for Culture under the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the working group of the Committee for Culture of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Head of major international scientific projects, such as the Russian-Chinese project under the auspices of UNESCO on the study of educational, career and migration strategies of rural schoolchildren, the TACIS-IBPP project "National cultural heritage as a factor of sustainable regional development (Russia-Germany-Great Britain)", French project on reforming the public sector and other international projects. Member of the expert working groups "New School" and "Reform of the budgetary sector in the economy" on the development of the "Concept of socio-economic development 2020".
Under the leadership and with the direct participation of T.V. Abankina has completed more than 20 large-scale projects for the development of education, the comprehensive modernization of regional educational systems, the restructuring of the network of rural schools, the results of which have been implemented in more than 60 regions of Russia. Author of over 250 published scientific papers, member of the editorial board of the journals "Directory of the head of an educational institution", "Directory of the head of a cultural institution".
ALEXEY MATVEEV (St. Petersburg, Russia),
festival business program expert
Program Director of the St. Petersburg Center for Social and Cultural Initiatives "Cultural Capital", an expert of the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Tavrida art cluster. Graduated from the directing department of the St. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov.
Member of the Russian Creative Union of Cultural Workers and the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions and festivals, professional awards, the grand prix of the Russian Event Awards National Prize. Expert of regional and federal grant competitions, forums and educational programs in the field of culture and social design.
MARK DROBINSKY (France, Israel)
The world famous cellist, plays the Italian cello by master Carlo Antonio Testore, made in 1748. He graduated from the Moscow Conservatory and graduated from Mstislav Rostropovich.
His stage partners were Martha Argerich, Misha Maisky, Dora Schwarzberg, Renault Capuçon, Paolo Fontanarosa, Diana Andersen, Ivry Gitlis, Lilia Zilberstein, Nicolas Angelich; conductors Mstislav Rostropovich, Arnold Katz, Fuat Mansurov, Valery Gergiev, Saulius Sondetskis, Charles Dutoit, Maxim Shostakovich, Dmitry Liss, Alexander Anisimov, Vladimir Rylov. The musician's repertoire includes works by Vivaldi, Bach, Haydn Mozart, Beethoven, Schagnumann , Chopin, Brahms, Bruch, Saint-Saens, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Weinberg, Soge, works by composers of the late twentieth century. and our contemporaries.
He was the first in Russia to perform cello concertos by M. Minkov, G. Dmitriev, Concerto for violin and cello and orchestra by K. Volkov, Dialogue for cello and 7 instruments by A. Schnittke, Piano Quintet by S. Gubaidulina, Trio-Quintet by Yu. Butsko, all works for cello and cello by A. Rabinovich. A. Rabinovich and G. Zanon (Switzerland), J.-P. Beesemans and R. De Smet (Belgium), J. Alotin and I. Dorfman (Israel), F. Kaufman and D. Winkler (USA), A. Santana (Brazil).
The musician devotes a lot of time to teaching. He has held master classes in South Korea, Monaco, Mexico, the Bahamas, Paris, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Siena, Portogruaro, Johannesburg, Geneva and other cities.
UDMURT REPUBLIC (Izhevsk, Russia)

The symphony orchestra was created by the Order of the Minister of Culture No. 523a dated 11/17/92 on the initiative of the Union of Composers of the UR. The first concert performances of the orchestra took place in January 1993 within the framework of the "XI Festival of Music of Composers of the Volga and Ural regions". Thanks to active creative and organizational work, the State Symphony Orchestra of the Udmurt Republic took a prominent place in the cultural life of the republic, became one of the leading musical groups in Udmurtia. His main achievement is the love of a wide audience of listeners, the high appraisal of prominent musicians and the invariably full halls of a grateful audience. Over the years, the orchestra has mastered a rich and varied repertoire.

The ensemble's programs include masterpieces of Western and Russian classics, fragments from operas and ballets, cantata and oratorio compositions, examples of modern academic music, the best that has been created in the field of popular genres - operetta, musical, film music, jazz compositions. The music of the composers of Udmurtia occupies a special place in the repertoire. In the concerts of the orchestra, the masterpieces of the classic of Udmurt music G. Korepanov were given new life, arias and choirs from the theater music of N. Grekhovodov sounded, the orchestra performed a number of premieres of works by E. Kopysova, A. Korepanov, S. Cherezov, Y. Tolkach. The orchestra actively cooperates with the leading collectives of the republic - the State Theater of Opera and Ballet named after P. Tchaikovsky, the Academic Choir of Udmurtia, the municipal chamber choir named after P. Tchaikovsky, the children's choirs “Udmurtia” and “Glazovchanka”, the children's ballet theater “Rainbow” (joint performances ballet "The Nutcracker" by PI Tchaikovsky, the premiere of the ballet based on the Udmurt myths and legends "The Magic Talisman" by Yu.L. Tolkach).

The orchestra is an indispensable protagonist of the annual republican festival dedicated to the birthday of PI Tchaikovsky, performs with representatives of new generations of musicians-performers in the framework of the international music festival "Young talents in the homeland of PI Tchaikovsky." The collective initiated the "Musical Spring" festival, where the best students of art schools, a special music school, students of the Republican College of Music had the opportunity and the honorable right to perform with the Symphony Orchestra. The Christmas music festivals established by the orchestra have become traditional.

Since its inception, the collective has been fruitfully working with guest soloists and conductors. Already in the first years of its existence, the orchestra performed with conductors Vladimir Rylov (Moscow), Ion Bressan (Brazil), Denis Meunier (Belgium), violinist Luis Surzhik (Brazil), pianist Evgeny Mikhailov (Kazan). The increased skill of the orchestra, its high performing level allowed in subsequent years to establish creative cooperation of the orchestra with many outstanding musicians, such as conductors Fuat Mansurov, Elena Boyko, Dmitry Vasiliev, Vladislav Lavrik (Russia), Leonardo Cuadrini (Italy), Yuval Waldman (USA ), Matvey Krel (Australia), Julian Gallant (UK). The orchestra's concerts were attended by world-famous soloists: Denis Matsuev, Alexander Gindin, Rem Urasin (piano), Alexander Knyazev, Pyotr Kondrashin, Denis Shapovalov (cello), Irina Bochkova, Ailen Pritchin, Pavel Milyukov (violin), Andrey Gorbachev (balalaika) ), Ukrainian singer Anatoly Solovyanenko, star of the Italian opera Chiara Taiji, famous jazz musicians Anatoly Kroll, Anatoly Kalvarsky, Daniil Kramer, Arkady Shilkloper. Sergei Garmash, Avangard Leontyev, Alexander Oleshko performed in musical and literary compositions.

A special page in the history of the orchestra is the repeated summer tours in Italy. Concert performances of the collective covered almost the whole country. The orchestra took part in such significant events of cultural life as the international vocal competition named after V. Leoncavallo, Enrico Caruso, Mario Lanza, festivals of symphonic and pop-symphonic music, the ceremony of presenting the International Cinematography Award on the First Channel of Italy with the participation of P. Caruso and P. Abbado. In the summer of 2005, the orchestra performed at the Pope's Residence with the premiere of the Mass in memory of Paul John II. In Italy, the ensemble performed together with the Doina State Academic Choir (Moldova), the Opera and Ballet Theater Choir in Craiova (Romania), the Italian opera star C. Ricciarelli and the famous film actor M. Placido took part in the concerts. The performances in Spain, Portugal and Switzerland, as well as on the African continent became outstanding events in the life of the orchestra.

Today, his repertoire includes more than 1,500 works of various genres and trends. The collective became the flagship of musical education in the homeland of P.I. Tchaikovsky. Along with the main evening subscription for sophisticated music lovers of Izhevsk, concerts for young Izhevsk residents, the orchestra has consistently expanded its field of activity for a number of years. At present, the cycles of subscription concerts cover the cities of Votkinsk, Sarapul, Mozhga, Glazov, the collective performs in the regional centers of the republic. The orchestra has developed an educational program "On the Steps of the Musical Ladder", which includes a cycle of subscription concerts for all ages, from programs for kindergartens to concerts for students of higher educational institutions. In 2000, the State Symphony Orchestra was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Udmurt Republic for its work on the program "On the Steps of the Musical Ladder" and for the educational orientation of its activities. In 2003, the orchestra became a laureate of the Lyra Prize of the Izhevsk City Administration for creative achievements in the field of musical art.

Chief Conductor - AZAT MAKSUTOV

Azat Maksutov is a graduate of the Ural State Conservatory named after M.P. Mussorgsky. He also completed his postgraduate studies at the F. Liszt Higher School of Music (Germany). The young conductor is a DAAD (Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst) scholar, laureate of the Government of the Komi Republic and laureate of the S.I. Ermolina. He has worked in the Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Chelyabinsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after M.I. Glinka, Buryat Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, State Opera and Ballet Theater of the Komi Republic.

As music director and production conductor, he has produced over 20 performances. He collaborated with such European symphony orchestras as: Jenaer Philharmoniker, Göttinger Symphoniker, The North Bohemia Philharmonic of Teplice, Philharmonie Gotha-Suhl, etc. On tour in Great Britain, Germany, Czech Republic, Mongolia, he conducted more than 180 concerts and performances.

"NOBILIS" (Russia)

A special project of the ESTA-Tatarstan branch, created in 2015 by a group of musicians led by a talented violinist, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Sergei Emelyanov. The ensemble, together with highly professional musicians - teachers and performers, laureates of international competitions - are students of the Kazan Conservatory. A. Riguera, S. Tovstukha, K. Cazes (Spain), M. Kibardin (Germany), D. Amadio (Italy), F. Muratoglu (France), A. Begutov, V. Ksenofontov ( Russia), etc.

Now performers from Kazan, Nizhnekamsk and Izhevsk are performing as part of the ensemble within the framework of project activities.

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Soloist and artistic director -
People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Graduated from the Kazan Conservatory (1994).
Trained at international master classes in Orford (Canada) and at the University of Montreal with Eleanor Turovskaya (violin), participated in a joint training project for musicians of symphony orchestras together with the renowned orchestra "I Musici de Montreal" under the direction of conductor and cellist Yuliy Turovsky. Taught at the Secondary Special Music School at the Kazan Conservatory, class "violin" and "quartet" (1992-1997). Currently, a teacher of the highest category at the Children's Art School of the Volga District of Kazan (since 2014).
The soloist of the ensemble - SVETLANA TOVSTUKHA
(Barcelona, Spain)

She was born and received a musical education in Kazan. After the Kazan Conservatory, which she graduated with honors from Professor A.N. Khairutdinov, in 1996 she studied at the graduate school at Trinity College in London (class of Professor K. Georgian), then at the Reina Sofia High School in Madrid. All four years She was a full Fellow of the Albéniz Foundation.

Svetlana's teachers are world famous musicians: F. Helmerson, M. Rostropovich, N. Gutman, N. Shakhovskaya, R. Ricci, L. Mazel, Z. Bron. Svetlana is a multiple winner of international competitions, including: Palau de la musica in Barcelona, International competition in Liezen (Austria), Competition for young European cellists in Lille (France) and others. Since 2013, Svetlana has been combining concert activities with teaching at the Russian Academy of Music in Barcelona.

Has extensive experience as a concertmaster of the orchestra in the leading ensembles of Tatarstan: the Kazan Chamber Orchestra "La Primavera" (1989-2008) and the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan (2008-2014). At present, he is the artistic director and soloist of the Nobilis string ensemble, Kazan (since 2015) and guest accompanist of the State Symphony Orchestra of the Udmurt Republic (since 2019). Participant of many international projects as a soloist, accompanist and conductor in Russia, Sweden, France, Switzerland, England, Tunisia, Turkey, China, South Korea, etc. He was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Certificate of Merit of the Head of Kazan Administration.
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