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International Summer School
"Play With Joy" (2021, Nizhnekamsk)

Summer School concept: "Play with joy, play for the soul"

We want people to understand that the instrument can be practiced not only for the profession, but also simply out of love for music. Only with such an attitude towards classes can one develop competencies that will be useful both for continuing the professional career of a musician, and for independent studies, or self-realization in another field of activity. When organizing the International Summer School "Play With Joy", the experience of the international project Oppstryk Finnmark (Norway) - the northernmost and most charming orchestra in the world - is used.
The joy of playing, enjoying each other's company and music as a common language are the keywords for Oppstryk Finnmark, which are consonant with the concept of our summer school.
We are confident that Nizhnekamsk, like Finnmark, will become a meeting place for beginners and professional musicians to make friends, get inspiration, exchange repertoire, and test new teaching methods. Under the guidance of professional mentors, the project participants will improve their level of proficiency in the instrument, gain new performing experience and new goals for work. And for the general public, the project will increase the availability of classical music, because the final of the lessons will be a gala concert in the concert hall of the House of Folk Art!

Regulations on holding,

August 2021

Application Form August 2021

Consent to OTP for adults

Consent to OTP for minors

Project curator, mentor
Liisa Kristiina
Hammerfest (Norway)
Violin and viola performer, orchestra artist, teacher, organizer of musical educational projects.
Graduated from the Helsinki Conservatory (Bachelor degree, 2003), the Royal Danish Academy of Music (Master degree, 2007).
Trained in early music at the Royal Danish Academy of Music (2011-2012),
on the Orff Pedagogy course at the Sibelius Academy (Helsinki, 2018),
on the Suzuki Pedagogy course (Helsinki, 2000-2001).
She began her professional career in 2004 as a freelance artist of symphony orchestras (viola) in Sweden and Denmark. Then she continued performing at the New (Musical) Theater and Orchestra of the Royal Danish Opera (Copenhagen).
From 2010 to the present, she is engaged in pedagogical activity, taught violin and music disciplines at the Soro Art School (Denmark) and the Hammerfest School of Culture.
Has administrative experience as Deputy Director, Acting Director of the Hammerfest School of Culture.
Co-organizer and producer of international concert and musical educational projects in Finland, Norway, Denmark, Russia, including the Oppstryk Finnmark project, the experience of which is used in the International Summer School "Play With Joy".
Conductor of the combined orchestra, head of the ensemble
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Moscow city
Since childhood he has been playing the violin and piano. Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2010 as a chemist. During his years of study at the university, he studied at the ten-year evening school of the Pedagogical Practice Sector of the Moscow Conservatory in composition and choral conducting classes.
PhD in Chemistry, Senior Researcher at Moscow University, teaches at the Faculty of Chemistry (courses "Macrokinetics", "Kinetics of Nonlinear Chemical Systems"), is the author and co-author of more than 20 papers in chemistry and physics.
Co-founder and co-chairman of the youth public organization "Association of Student Clubs of Classical Music", which brought together students of different professions who continue to study classical music.
One of the organizers of student festivals of classical music Musical Universiade (2013-2014), Musica Integral (2016-2020), bringing together amateur and professional musicians on the same stage. Concerts of the festivals were held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Perm, Novosibirsk, such famous musicians as Ekaterina Mechetina, Nikita Borisoglebsky, Ailen Pritchin, Alexander Ramm and others took part in them.
He has performed as a violinist, pianist, viola player, conductor and composer in youth classical music concerts for the past 10 years.
Artistic director of the project, assistant conductor, concertmaster of the combined orchestra, teacher (violin)
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People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan. Graduated from the Kazan Conservatory (1994).
Trained at international master classes in Orford (Canada) and at the University of Montreal with Eleanor Turovskaya (violin), participated in a joint training project for musicians of symphony orchestras together with the renowned orchestra "I Musici de Montreal" under the direction of conductor and cellist Yuliy Turovsky.
Taught at the Secondary Special Music School at the Kazan Conservatory, class "violin" and "quartet" (1992-1997). Currently, a teacher of the highest category at the Children's Art School of the Volga District of Kazan (since 2014). Has extensive experience as a concertmaster of the orchestra in the leading ensembles of Tatarstan: the Kazan Chamber Orchestra "La Primavera" (1989-2008) and the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan (2008-2014). At present, he is the artistic director and soloist of the Nobilis string ensemble, Kazan (since 2015) and guest accompanist of the State Symphony Orchestra of the Udmurt Republic (since 2019). Participant of many international projects as a soloist, accompanist and conductor in Russia, Sweden, France, Switzerland, England, Tunisia, Turkey, China, South Korea, etc.
Awarded with a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan and a Certificate of Merit from the Head of Kazan Administration.
Head of the organizing committee and the scientific and methodological part of the project, teacher (violin, viola)
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Laureate of international competitions, laureate of the competition "The best teacher of the children's art school of the Republic of Tatarstan" (2010), president of ESTA-Tatarstan. Graduated from the Tashkent Conservatory named after M.Ashrafi (1999), an internship at the Kazan Conservatory named after N.Zhiganov (2001), a bachelor's degree from the Prince Claus Conservatory of the University of Gansa-Groningen (Netherlands, 2007), a master's degree from the University of Manchester (MEd, 2012). Postgraduate student of the Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Has experience of working in orchestral groups in Uzbekistan and Tatarstan, currently - an artist of the string ensemble "Nobilis". Participant of international projects with orchestras and ensembles in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Russia. Teacher of Kazan children's music schools: No. 6 named after E. Bakirov (2000-2002), No. 26 Vakhitovsky district (2002-2004), No. 10 Sovetsky district (2007-2010), No. 24 Kirovsky district (2019-2020), the Kazan Conservatory, the Kazan Institute of Culture and Arts, the Institute of Additional Professional Education for specialists in the socio-cultural sphere and art of the Republic of Tatarstan. Jury member of international, all-Russian, regional competitions. Awarded with certificates of honor of the Administration of the Kirov and Moscow regions and the Department of Culture of Kazan, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Teacher (violin), methodologist-consultant
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Graduated from the Miass School of Music, the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute.
Violin teacher of the highest category, head of the string department, deputy director for extracurricular activities at the Children's School of Arts in the city of Snezhnogorsk of the closed administrative-territorial entity of Alexandrovsk, Murmansk region.
She has more than 35 years of teaching experience, taught at children's music and art schools in the Chelyabinsk and Murmansk regions, is a member of the Murmansk chamber orchestra "Barents-Kamerata".
Coordinator and organizer of the international Norwegian-Russian project Oppstryk Finnmark, a community that brings string players of all ages and levels together to play together.
She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Culture, Sports and Youth Policy and the Letter of Gratitude from the Head of the Municipal Formation of the Administration of ZATO Alexandrovsk of the Murmansk Region, the Letter of Gratitude from the Murmansk Regional Duma, the Letter of Gratitude from the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk (2018), the Letter of Gratitude from the Governor of the Murmansk Region (2019) , Certificate of Merit of the Murmansk Regional Duma (2020).
Teacher (cello)
Graduated from the L.P. Kiryukov Saransk Music College, studied at the L.V. Sobinov Saratov State Conservatory, graduated from the Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory (class of Prof. I.M. Lapteva).
Conducted performing activities as an orchestra artist in groups:
State Chamber Orchestra conducted by Evgeniya Shcherbakova (Saransk, 2011-2014),
Engels Chamber Orchestra conducted by Mikhail Myasnikov (Engels, 2016-2018),
Youth Symphony Orchestra (summer session 2018, Togliatti),
Symphony Orchestra of the Kazan Conservatory (2018-2021),
and also performed as a duo in South Korea.
Has experience in teaching cello (Music School No. 17 named after S. Saidashev in Kazan). She has participated in master classes by leading Russian cellists: Pyotr Kondrashin, Boris Andrianov, Alexander Ramm, Oleg Bugaev, and Denis Severin (Switzerland).
He is a laureate of republican, all-Russian and international competitions, including: 2 prize at the All-Russian competition-festival "Silver Lyre" (Penza, 2013), 1 prize at the International competition "Viva music" (Kazan, 2017), 2 prize at the International competition performers on stringed and bowed instruments in Astrakhan (2018), 2nd prize at the All-Russian competition of young performers for the 75th anniversary of the Kazan Conservatory (Kazan, 2020).
Project coordinator and methodologist, accompanist (piano)
Laureate of republican, all-Russian and international competitions, both solo and as part of chamber, vocal and piano ensembles.
Graduated from the Salikh Saydashev Nizhnekamsk Musical College with a degree in Instrumental Performance (Piano) (2004), the Tatar State Humanitarian Pedagogical University with a degree in Music Education (2008).
She began her pedagogical and accompanist career at the Kamsko-Polyanskaya children's music school (2004-2009, 2017-2020), was a teacher and accompanist of Kazan children's music schools: No. 10 of the Sovetsky district (2009-2013), Children's Art School No. 6 of the Sovetsky district (2013-2017 ), as well as Children's Music School No. 2, Nizhnekamsk (2020-2021). Teacher of the highest category, accompanist of the first category. She worked as Deputy Director for Internal Affairs of the Kamsko-Polyanskaya Music School (2018-2020). From 2020 to the present - Deputy Director for Development and Club Work, Methodist of the House of Folk Art in Nizhnekamsk. She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Culture of the Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsk Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan, the diploma of the best accompanist of the All-Russian Competition of Musical Art for Boys and Young Men "Male Brotherhood" (Kazan, 2020), as well as letters of thanks as a teacher and accompanist for the preparation of laureates of competitions of various levels.
Project coordinator and methodologist, accompanist (piano)
Laureate of republican, all-Russian and international competitions as an accompanist. Graduated from the Perm Musical College (1997) and the Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory (2002) with a degree in Instrumental Performance (Piano), Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (Innovation Management, 2015).
She began her teaching career at the Children's Music School at the Perm Music College (1995-1997). She worked as a teacher and accompanist in Kazan children's music schools: No. 20 of the Volga region (1999-2000), No. 26 of the Vakhitovsky district (2000-2004), No. 10 of the Soviet district (2007-2011), No. 1 of the Kirov district (2011), in the Children's art school No. 9 Perm (2005-2007), accompanist-accompanist at the Cultural Center "Zalesny" in Kazan (2012-2018). Concertmaster of the highest category.
She worked as Deputy Director for Internal Affairs of Music School No. 10 of the Soviet District of Kazan, Artistic Director and Director of the Cultural Center "Zalesny" in Kazan (2011-2019). From 2020 to the present - General Director of ANO "O.K.N.O."
Awarded with a letter of gratitude from the Committee for Culture of the Perm Territory (2007),
Commemorative medal of the World Summer Universiade 2013 and diploma of the President of the Russian Federation (2013), Certificates of honor of the Administration of the Kirov and Moscow districts of Kazan (2014, 2016).
Director and presenter of the gala concert, teacher-cultural organizer
She graduated from the Kazan State Institute of Culture with a degree in "Director of theatrical performances and holidays" (2020), as well as MBUDO "Center for Extracurricular Activities" in the Volga region of Kazan with a degree in "Young Actor", short-term courses "School of Journalism" and "Philology" of Maly University of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.
Prize-winner (2nd place) of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Festive Culture of Our Time: Innovative Creativity" in the nomination "Search for a figurative solution to the production" (2018, 2019, 2020).
Has experience in organizing and conducting international, republican, city, regional and industry concert and entertainment events.
From 2020 to the present - administrator and organizer of the central concert venue of Nizhnekamsk - MAU "House of Folk Art".
Head of the course of the artistic word "Conference", organizer of cultural leisure for children and adults, organizer and presenter of concerts, intellectual and educational games (brain ring, quest, business game, interactive game, etc.).
She was awarded a Letter of Gratitude for help and assistance in organizing and holding the International Television Competition of Young Performers "Tatar Mony" (2016) and a Letter of Gratitude from the National-Cultural Autonomy of the Turkmen in the Republic of Tatarstan (2019).
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